It is fitting that today is Mother’s Day and I just became the proud mother of five baby Black Swallowtail caterpillars. Since planting my pollinator garden, I have been getting many types of butterflies and of course caterpillars. I had two monarch caterpillars in the spring and now I have many Black Swallowtail caterpillars. These caterpillars will host on Rue and Fennel and continue to eat these herbs. They are the size of a tic-tac when I finally notice them. They devour the plant all day long and grow very fast. I have had several get to about two inches long and then they disappeared. I thought maybe they went to pupate. I set up my wildlife camera on them for about three days and sure enough, a Blue Jay was in the pot of Rue that they were in. I could not find them after that. I spoke to an expert butterfly person and learned that yes, the birds are preying on them. Only about 1 out of 100 caterpillars live to be butterflies. I immediately bought a large butterfly enclosure at Rainbow Gardens and set it up when I got home. I transferred the caterpillars (all five of them) into the enclosure with plenty of Rue and Fennel. They are in a safe place now with plenty to eat and a chance to grow and pupate in the enclosure. I can watch them go through their life cycle and not be a part of the “Circle of Life” cycle.
Black Swallowtail caterpillar
I tried to upload a picture of the enclosure but it did not work.